From the Momofuku website:

press release from momofuku ssam bar new york city - june 9, 2009
momofuku ssäm bar has confirmed that a newly hired employee tested positive for the hepatitis a virus. in response, we immediately notified the new york city department of health and mental hygiene, and began preemptively testing and vaccinating our staff.
pending testing results and further analysis, the new york city department of health and mental hygiene has not required or requested that we close the restaurant or notify our customers.
though there is a low risk of outbreak, all staff members have been vaccinated as a precautionary measure.
press release from the new york city department of health and mental hygiene
the department was notified of this case on june 8, began the investigation, and inspected the bar the same night. the inspector found no health code violations. violations that may compromise hand washing and hygiene are of particular interest when there is a hepatitis a case involved.
The restaurant is open as of dinner last night - but I don't know about you guys - I'm a little wary. Maybe especially since I just went to Milk Bar on Sunday - June 8.
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